Stacy Asher
Art + Art History
University of Nebraska–Lincoln

Graphic Design Courses

Fall 2016
GRPH 426 / Design Studio 01
In this course students will demonstrate a synthesis of skills, methodologies and principles developed in previous graphic design courses. It will focus on the application of advanced graphic design principles and systems in the generation of self-authored body of written and visual work. Visual, written and spoken presentation skills will be emphasized in preparation for Design Studio 02: Capstone.

Meaning through form is further emphasized while students build on their advanced experience of working with tools, materials, and methods of a graphic designer. Advanced design skills will be applied to the development of various self-directed projects. Critical thinking, concept development and design research as a process will be further emphasized as they are applied to a self-authored study. The course will focus on the evolution of a unique personal voice in the design process and content development, as well as the refinement of graphic design detail to achieve a higher level of sophistication in the designed artifact.

Course Syllabus
Course Schedule
Course Deliverables
Course Materials / Resources
UNL Box Turn In

Links to Student Projects
Matthew Bailey

Course Deliverables
4 Exercises [25 pts. each] - 100 pts.
3 Projects [100 pts. each] - 300 pts.
1 Process Book - 100 pts.
Course Portfolio - 100 pts
Participation and Attitude - 100 pts.
Course Total = 700 pts.

Reading Forms

UNL Design Portal
UNL Social Practice Coalition
Graphic Design Beyond the Classroom







Stacy Asher
Assistant Professor of Art
209A Woods Art Building
Department of Art, Art History & Design
University of Nebraska–Lincoln